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#流感疫苗為 不活化疫苗 ,目前公費為公費(三價,2A1B)與自費(四價, 2A2B)。每年世界衛生組織,以「預測」的方式,預先制定未來一年的流感可能出現的病毒菌株。

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腎臟囊腫的原因: 老化(50歲以上,每8人就有一人)、遺傳(顯性)、不明原因。


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期待已久的瑞德西韋藥物結果終於更進一步的臨床結果了!! 重磅發表在4/10的NEJM上: Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for Patients with Severe Covid-19。


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2020 NEJM相關文章重點摘要:



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red flag:


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一般藥品,例如:眼用藥 (如:眼藥水、眼藥膏) 、口服藥水 (需泡製之抗生素糖漿除外)、外用藥膏、與外用藥水 (如:金碘);多以室溫保存即可。保存時間至多以一個月為限,但外用藥水可放至2個月,外用藥膏可放至6個月。


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1. 腎功能評估建議用Cockcroft-Gault公式,對於高齡與急重症患者較不會高估。(CG勝MDRD)

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參考網頁: https://www.aafp.org/patient-care/clinical-recommendations/all/allergic-rhinitis.html

Key Recommendations

  • The diagnosis of allergic rhinitis (AR) should be made when history and physical findings are consistent with an allergic cause (e.g., clear rhinorrhea, pale discoloration of nasal mucosa, and red and watery eyes) and one or more of the following symptoms: nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy nose, or sneezing.
  • Individuals with AR should be assessed for the presence of associated conditions such as asthma, atopic dermatitis, sleep-disordered breathing, conjunctivitis, rhinosinusitis, and otitis media.
  • Specific IgE testing (blood or skin) should be performed for patients with a clinical diagnosis of AR who do not respond to empiric treatment, or when diagnosis is uncertain, or when determination of specific target allergen is needed.
  • Sinonasal imaging should not routinely be performed in patients presenting with symptoms consistent with allergic rhinitis.
  • Intranasal steroids should be prescribed for patients with AR whose symptoms affect quality of life.
  • Oral second-generation/less sedating antihistamines should be prescribed for patients with AR and primary complaints of sneezing and itching.
  • Intranasal antihistamines may be prescribed for patients with seasonal, perennial, or episodic AR.
  • Oral leukotriene receptor antagonists should not be prescribed as primary therapy for patients with AR.
  • Combination pharmacologic therapy may be prescribed for patients with AR who have inadequate response to monotherapy. The most effective combination therapy is an intranasal steroid and an intranasal antihistamine.
  • Immunotherapy should be prescribed for patients with AR who have inadequate response to pharmacologic therapy.
  • Avoidance of known allergens or environmental control may be considered in patients with AR who have identified allergens that correlate with their clinical symptoms.
  • Inferior turbinate reduction may be considered for patients with AR with nasal airway obstruction and enlarged inferior turbinates who have failed medical management.

Ref: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0194599814561600

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低劑量肺部電腦斷層掃描 (Low-dose computed tomography, LDCT) 


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NEJM image是臨床工作者啟蒙的園地。今天有一篇覺得很神的片子。


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歐洲微生物與感染症醫學會建議的C. difficile (困難梭菌)的診斷建議更新:

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(Ref: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation with assisted extracorporeal life-support versus conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation in adults with in-hospital cardiac arrest: an observational study and propensity analysis. Chen, Yih-Sharng et al. The Lancet , Volume 372 , Issue 9638 , 554 - 561)

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EBUS TBNA有些statin做不到: AP window

sono image下的綠色點是近端

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RP-EBUS操作流程: CT bronchogram: 於最少的bronchus裡找到lesion, 伸到有阻力,再回拉. 

Location of the lesion: within (診斷率高)> adjacent to 

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