ILD in IM: anti-JO-1(+) -> 70% (anti-MDA5)
(IM: inflammatory myositis; Gottron's papules, mechanical hand )
Elevated RF in RA -> survey extra-articular minifestation, eg. lung
Scleroderma: Scl-70(+)-> ↑lung involvement (Tx: MMF, Rituximab)
診斷時,要看 (1)Clinical domain (2) Serologic domain (3)Morphologic domain這三樣
B. Serologic domain
1. ANA ⩾1:320 titre, diffuse, speckled, homogeneous patterns or a. ANA nucleolar pattern (any titre) or b. ANA centromere pattern (any titre)
2. Rheumatoid factor ⩾2× upper limit of normal
3. Anti-CCP
4. Anti-dsDNA
5. Anti-Ro (SS-A)
6. Anti-La (SS-B)
7. Anti-ribonucleoprotein
8. Anti-Smith
9. Anti-topoisomerase (Scl-70)
10. Anti-tRNA synthetase (e.g. Jo-1, PL-7, PL-12; others are: EJ, OJ, KS, Zo, tRS)
11. Anti-PM-Scl
12. Anti-MDA-5
IPAF: 灰色地帶,還是要想到有autoimmune disease的可能。
Panel: Therapies identified in clinical trials as harmful, ineffective, or effective in the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Potentially harmful therapies • Ambrisentan81 • Everolimus82 • Prednisolone, azathioprine, acetylcysteine9 • Warfarin83
Potentially ineffective therapies • Bosentan84 • Imatinib85 • Macitentan86 • Acetylcysteine87 • Sildenafil88
Effective disease-modifying therapies • Nintedanib89 • Pirfenidone90,91