腎臟囊腫的原因: 老化(50歲以上,每8人就有一人)、遺傳(顯性)、不明原因。
1. 現在的治療原則,不是根據公分數大小去決定,而是要看是否有症狀或併發症;
2. 所謂症狀: 痠痛、不舒服;併發症: 出血、蛋白尿、感染(不明發燒)、腎功能下降、局部壓迫造成腎水腫(hydronephrosis)(長在輸尿管開口的位置,進而壓迫到輸尿管,造成腎臟積水)、甚至結石。
1. https://heho.com.tw/archives/55418
2. 尿路快意通
@超音波下的變化 (ref: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/renal-cyst-1)
- uncomplicated renal cyst
- well-marginated anechoic lesion with thin walls
- a few thin septa may be present (5% of cysts)
- the back wall should be visible
- posterior acoustic enhancement may be present, although this finding is non-specific and also may not be seen with smaller cysts
- a small amount of intracystic hemorrhage/debris may be present, and may require further evaluation (5% of cysts)
- complicated cyst
- cystic lesions with thickened or irregular walls or septa are suspicious for renal cell carcinoma and warrant further work up
- vascularity of the septa on color or spectral Doppler is suspicious for renal cell carcinoma